Kenneth Smithee
2 min readJun 11, 2021


When you look back on the number of people you’ve dated, it seems like few make it past 3 months, even fewer last 6 months, and rarely do you get to a year or more. Relationships are often complicated from the start. That’s why we love when they’re easy.

As you age, no matter how much you want a partner, a number of factors make relationships increasingly challenging to sustain. Consider these 10 shifts in mentality and lifestyle, particularly after 50, that preclude people from pairing up long term.

•Better at or used to being alone

•Better at perceiving truth, filtering, decision-making

•Less willing to risk attachment due to secrets, lies, and less time to recover

•More particular and less tolerant of what annoys them and doesn’t work

•Not looking to raise family

•Frustration of repeated relationship failures and dating fatigue

•Less willing to compromise or share control

•Lives more complicated due to obligations, challenges, moving parts, health

•Plans and interests that render fewer people a good fit

•Money concerns in general and protecting it for self and family specifically

If you’re aware of the reasons people over 50 don’t commit, you can more easily navigate how you and someone could actually pair up long term. You’ll be more self-aware, presenting who you are from the outset, and more able to identify who should pass through your filter.



Kenneth Smithee

If I can help just one person with their relationship, then I’m not doing my job well enough.